On 29 June 2021, Thomas I. Strasser (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, TU Wien, ERIGrid 2.0 Coordinator) and Filip Pröstl Andrén (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology) gave an overview of recent research and development activities related to the engineering and validation of cyber-physical energy systems in a corresponding IEEE IES webinar.

This webinar focused on the following topics:

  • Higher complexity in cyber-physical energy systems
  • Engineering problems and needs
  • Status quo in research and development 
  • Validating controllers for cyber-physical energy systems
  • Example demo

You can find the slides from the webinar presentations here. Furthermore, the recording of the webinar is available here (free access but registration necessary).

You can find out more about ERIGrid 2.0 educational activities here and subscribe to the ERIGrid 2.0 newsletter to be informed about future webinars.
Webinar Recording on Cyber-Physical Energy Systems Validation