Register now for the free ERIGrid 2.0 winter / PhD school on “Sector Coupling for District Energy Systems”: 10th – 14th March 2025!
An affordable and fully renewable energy supply can be facilitated through further integration of all energy sectors. Ideally, flexibility resources could flow across several sectors, balancing and coordinating consumption, transport and energy conversion across the full energy infrastructure. To actualize the objective advantages of integrated energy systems, such coordination would require to overcome technical, academic and market challenges.
Being familiar with one sector, we wonder: what are the dynamics, constraints and operating objectives in other sectors? Which are the relevant actors, what are the economic and technical limitations? Are there examples of how these barriers can be overcome? And how can we simulate, implement and test solutions that incorporate multiple sectors?
This winter school will introduce fundamental principles of several energy sectors and showcase several potential solutions and research challenges in sector coupling. The course offers hands-on training in research methods, live laboratory experiments and simulation tools to investigate sector coupling across electricity and district heat networks. The course is hosted in the SYSLAB Multi-energy facility of DTU and includes visits to sector coupling field sites in the region of Copenhagen.
Intended Learning Objectives (ILOs)
A student who completed this course is able to:
- Motivate sector coupling applications of with relevant use cases and examples
- Explain operational principles of electricity and heat networks, and the technologies that link several sectors, as, e.g., e-mobility power-to-gas, and heat pumps.
- Identify practical and research challenges for sector coupling and how these relate to established practices
- Describe, execute and tune a simulation model of a co-simulation district heating system,
- Design and evaluate a sector coupling experiment executed in a physical lab.
Date | Topic | Time |
10.3.2025 | Multi-domain Energy Systems – Introduction & State of the Art | 12:00 – 18:00 |
11.3.2025 | Sector Coupling – Technologies, Use Cases & Research Challenges | 09:00 – 18:00 |
12.3.2025 | Live District Energy Lab Session & Excursion to Sector Coupling Sites | 09:00 – 18:00 |
13.3.2025 | Operational Sector Coupling Analysis Tools and Methods | 09:00 – 18:00 |
14.3.2025 | Hands-on Analysis of Laboratory Measurements and Simulation Results | 09:00 – 13:00 |
Register Now -> Click here!