The role of education and training is of great importance to be able to face the current and future challenges of the energy transition. The main goal of IEEE TF Report Innovative Teaching Methods for Modern Power and Energy Systems (TR 120) is to provide a systematic overview of innovative teaching methods and tools for power and energy systems, offering a benchmark for the academic community and aiming to serve as a reference for the coming years. 

Chaired by Panos Kotsampopoulos and Nikos Hatziargyriou from ICCS-NTUA, partners of ERIGrid 2.0, the project is mentioned some times and there are several ERIGrid 2.0 co-authors.

The report is the outcome of the first Task Force formed within the University Education Activities Subcommittee of the IEEE PES Power Engineering Education Committee (PEEC). The report addresses 3 fundamental questions, which are increasingly important for the education of power engineers.

  • What to teach?
  • How to teach?
  • How to assess?

It provides a systematic overview of innovative teaching methods and tools for power and energy systems, aiming to serve as a reference for the coming years. New skills needs/gaps, advanced educational methods, methods to assess the learning and teaching, new trends in lab education, simulation tools and e-learning, and overall recommendations are presented. Insights and experiences from 53 TF members, 21 countries and 6 continents are included.

Find the full report here.

IEEE TF report “Innovative Teaching Methods for Modern Power and Energy Systems (TR 120)” & ERIGrid 2.0’s input